Buchempfehlung !
Atelierbesuch von Katja Sebald und Ulrike Myrzik

Haus mit Badeleiter


Nägel mit Köpfen
Kunstapotheke Starnberg

Die blaue Blume

Das Transatlantische Flaschenpostprojekt 2016

Das transatlantische Flaschenpostprojekt 2016
2, May 2020. Emily C. aus New York findet in Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island die erste Nachricht aus dem dritten und bisher letzten Flaschenpostprojekt im Jahr 2016.

J'aime le parfum des livres
Montmartre, Paris Oktober 2018

J'aime le parfum des livres
La Moulinette, Paris, Montmartre

28. Juli 2015 Die erste Flasche der transatlantischen Flaschenpost 2015 ist gefunden!!!
Hi Hans,
Just a quick note to let you know that we discovered one of your bottles whilst walking on the beach at Rhossili Bay on the Gower Peninsula in Wales UK on 28th July 2015.
It is very appropriate that it was found by my wife and daughter who have recently arrived from Iguazu Falls in Argentina after a long transatlantic journey (by plane).
After 18 years in Argentina we are now looking to settle in Wales having acquired a historic hotel in Builth Wells last year which is currently being renovated.
Good luck with your work and future projects!!!
The bottle was spotted by Cristina Luna and our daughter Sofia Evans Luna (7 years old) picked it up from the beach in Rhossili.
Kind regards
Danny Evans

"...die Kirche nicht im Dorf lassen."
Abwurf der 10.ten Flaschenpost

Die zweite Flaschenpost ist gefunden
Isle of wight / England 16. September 2014
Dear Hans, I have great pleasure in telling you I have found 1 of your 10 bottles! I found your ship in a bottle last week at a Yarmouth beach on the isle of wight, uk. infact on that day something astonishing happened, not only did I find my first ever message in a bottle I found 3 messages in bottles all on the same beach within 1 hour. as this was such an unusual find I decided not to open the bottles. I contacted my local news to tell them of my finds and they did a story on it. I took the bottles to the news studio today and the report will be shown on 'Meridian news between 6:00pm and 6:30 pm tomorrow the 16th. The main reason I wanted to get the bottles shown on TV was to get some coverage for my face book group I set up "isle of wight beach cleaning volunteers" .
where was the bottle dropped into the sea? was it Southampton? it would be great to hear back from you, here is a link to our page, you can see some photos and keep up to date with the story.